Sunday, 24 May 2015

Twitter Analytics


You can see how these have grown month on month, I've really pushed twitter the past couple of months and you can see the result. Unfortunately May hasn't improved much compared to April just due to me being far too busy to keep up with the level of daily tweets that are needed.

Here are my daily twitter impressions and some tweet stats.

Of course, the days with more tweets gain more impressions, but I find a small difference in tweets makes a huge difference in impressions. Days with high impressions are when I have spent the evening reading blogs and tweeting bloggers, actively shared my posts or have taken part in hour long twitter chats which are held often. I've joined a number of these recently and find them a brilliant way to pick up tips, meet new bloggers and grow my readership. 

 Out of these statistics I've been focusing most on my Link Clicks. I gain most of these through sharing my Instagram posts on twitter, which I have an app for, however I know a lot of these come when I share posts and are from people clicking onto my blog, which is brilliant. You can see below that my Instagram tweets tend to be the most engaged tweets as visuals are often popular. Due to this, I try to involve visuals when sharing new posts. I want to experiment between sharing a few visuals and just one individual one to see which is most successful. 

I love getting positive feedback from readers, and am often tagged in #FF (follow friday) where people share their favourite bloggers & tweeters for others to follow. This tweet below came from two readers who have only recently begun following me and it meant so much.


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